
A cuppa with Rob.

Hello and for new readers, welcome. Help is needed please. The follow on book to Violent Horizons has a working title of “Handle with Fear” However, as the action moves to Mojacar in Spain, I was thin ........

A cuppa with Rob.

Yesterday I posted a comment or two on my twitter feed @robwaldenwoods1The text goes a little like this“Violent Horizons will plunge you back to the 1960s. The East End of London was a hot spot for cr ........

A cuppa with Rob.

All about Vince Gander aka Wossname. This excellent character is a perfect foil for Eddie Coleman. Without him, there would be no Eddie and no book. Unwittingly he gave Eddie a huge leg-up into the wo ........

Time for a cuppa with Rob

This being my first blog (okay so I’m a blog virgin). Got to start somewhere. I’m 75 (just) crazy eh? Bit late to start a career in writing you think? You right sort of. Violent Horizons is my debut n ........